Monday, October 20, 2014

Evaluation of Lewmar's new replacement screens.

My old bug screens on my ='97 Catalina 42 MKII were rotting. It was time to replace them. The new screens looked good online, but it was $240 to replace the 6 biggest port screens on my boat. Envisioning hot summer nights, I dove in.

I can say that I am glad that I did. Although costly, I feel the new ones are much better quality than the previous screens that were injection molded plastic with fiberglass screen embedded in the plastic frame. There appears to be a heavy wire frame that the new black screen is sewn around with some kind of sunlight resistant fabric covering the outside frame.

The weak point is the connection of the frame attachment system. The rigid plastic clips are attached to the screen, not the wire frame. A small button is glued onto the clip over a hole punched in the screen. I bought six and one came broken. This doesn't mean 1 in 6 are bad. I was just unlucky. I can see that that button which is snapped on and glued down can potentially break under stress. Defender quickly replaced the broken one. The button is on the outside but I experience no snagging or damage during a summers use.

They snap in with much better holding power than the old ones. They have no edges that can catch lines outside. I even rolled the tender up against one this Fall without damaging it. I never felt the old ones were firmly attached. The slight stretchiness of the screen holds the frame tightly agains the metal window frame. The clip which slides down to lock the system in place holds the system together fast. From the outside, they just make the windows look dark. So if you are waiting to buy these, I give them the thumbs up.